Keys to Maintaining High Motivation and Discipline - two women sitting at desk, 1 perosn is showing other how to do something

Keys to Maintaining High Motivation and Discipline

Trevor Conrod
March 7, 2023
February 27, 2023

This blog post was written by Trevor Conrod, Fitness Coach at Nivati. You can see more of their content on the Nivati platform and on the Nivati blog. If you want to learn more about Nivati, click here

Employee motivation and discipline are two major keys to your business's success. A highly motivated employee will be able to give you their best every day, while a disciplined employee will adhere to your company's processes and procedures. This blog highlights how to increase employee motivation in the workplace and critical steps for a business owner or boss to maintain discipline.

Before we start, it's important to remember that as a business owner, you are the prime example others will look towards. Even with an already motivated and disciplined staff, a lazy or unenthusiastic boss can steer the ship in the wrong direction. Expect from others only what you are willing to expect from yourself.

Building A Productive Workplace

When your employees come to work, do they feel anxious about how much work they must do? Are they dreading having to punch in and start their shift? Or are they eager and excited to start their day and be productive?

The way employees start their day has a direct impact on how productive they are on that shift. If they come in feeling stressed and overwhelmed, that will likely continue throughout their shift. However, if they feel positive and ready to work, that will also carry throughout their day. That said, it's crucial to set your business up in a manner that welcomes employees and allows them to prepare for their assigned work rather than having them bombarded with issues left from the shift beforehand. 

That being said, what does a more productive workplace entail? Here are five ways to create a more productive workplace and increase employee motivation.

1. Be Present

A dilemma has broken out, and your employees need you. Even after looking around, the boss is nowhere to be found. Employees are understandably frustrated. This isn't the only way in which being present is important, however.

Being present means putting in the work you expect to receive from your employees. As mentioned in our introduction, "Expect from others only what you are willing to expect from yourself." You are the example others will follow. If you are not showing your passion and motivation towards the business goals, others won't either.

2. Adapt to Employee Needs

Each employee provides a unique set of qualities and benefits to the business. As a boss, it's essential to understand those employee qualities and ensure they are utilized. For example, for a new parent, a remote work setup may be highly beneficial and allow them to continue to deliver results for your business. In recent years, remote work has nearly tripled, and for a good reason. From employee flexibility to communicating savings, employees can expect to enjoy several perks. But what about the business?

A business that allows employees the flexibility to work from home can also expect to enjoy perks. A boost in employee motivation, increased productivity, and fewer sick days are benefits businesses have found when allowing employees to work from home a few days a week.

3. Offer Learning Opportunities

When was the last time your employees were trained in their position? If your company is like most, chances are it was when they were first hired. What if you could increase employee motivation and develop more valuable employees simultaneously?

Offering learning opportunities for your employees will increase their motivation and make them more valuable to your company. The best way to do this is to create an employee career path, it will show your employees that you want them to grow in their position and become more valuable, and it won't surprise them when they are promoted. In addition, employee development is not just good for employee morale. It will also show your customers that your company values and invests in its employees, making them more likely to want to do business with you.

4. Remain Organized

A clean space is a clean mind. And an uncluttered mind is necessary to remain focused and on track when vital deadlines are approaching. Take your workspace, for example. If you put everything in a pre-determined place, you'll feel an increased sense of organization, leading to a more productive day. You're free to tackle the more critical challenges when you're more focused and productive.

5. Set Clear Goals

Does your team have goals other than surviving the shift? Setting clear goals is essential for any team, especially if you want them to thrive rather than just survive. Make sure everyone understands what the goals are and what their role is in achieving them. A shared sense of purpose will help your team work together more effectively. Holding occasional and brief meetings to review goal alignment and progress is a great way to boost employee retention and motivation.

An Important Recap

Creating an environment where your employees feel valued and essential to the company is key to understanding how to increase employee motivation. Although a simple "Nice work on today's report." may seem unnecessary, you would be surprised how appreciated those small positive comments can be to an employee who feels underappreciated.

Keep your head in the game. If a specific quarter is challenging, express that to your team and prepare them for the goals ahead. "Hey everyone, we've got some important deadlines to hit coming up, but I'm confident that if we all work together and stay on track, we can accomplish it!" Having a boss working in the trenches and cheering their team on will go miles further in keeping a team motivated.

Understand your employees. Sometimes a significant step to learning how to increase employee motivation in the workplace is asking. "Is there anything I can do to position you better to achieve our goals?" Many times, even if an employee doesn't have specific requests, the flexibility you allow will make them want to work even harder for a company that genuinely cares.

Become a high-motivation champion for your team and show them there is true purpose behind their hard work. One of the most fulfilling parts of being a leader is guiding others toward greater heights. It's why being a leader isn't just a title but a role that must be earned by those willing to put others first. Motivational leaders know how to inspire people toward greatness, and you too can model them. Start by setting an example by being the hardest working person in the office. Stay positive and look for things to be grateful for, and you'll be able to encourage others to find the motivation they need. People will want to follow you and motivate themselves when they see your passion.

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Trevor Conrod
Trevor Conrod
Trevor Conrod is the founder and small business owner of LWStrength and a content creator for Nivati. Designed to serve members in-person and online, this facility offers an intuitive and exciting take on the traditional group fitness experience. His primary purpose is to help others find their strength, both physically and mentally, as stated in the company's slogan, “Find Your Strength.”