As I've written about before, a massage chair doesn't require too much space to set up. So even if you have enough room, you still might not know the best place to put the chair in the first place.
In this article, we'll cover pros and cons of having your office chair massage program or event in different areas of your office.

Best Locations for Office Massage: Pros & Cons
The best place for your office massages to happen will depend on a variety of factors. Companies with an open-concept design might not have many private areas to choose from. And huge companies with endless meeting rooms might wonder which is the best spot to pick from.
Whether the massages are taking place during a large event, or as part of an on-going program will also be a factor. Here are pros and cons of different locations for your office massage, depending on what kind of occasion it is.
Best Locations for Office Massage Programs
Office massage programs are ongoing arrangements on a predetermined schedule. Typically, massages are provided on a weekly, every other week, or monthly schedule, with any number of massage therapists as needed.
In these situations, employees are instructed to arrive at a certain time to receive their massage, which generally lasts 15-30 minutes.

Office or Small Meeting Room
An empty office or spare meeting room is generally a great spot for ongoing massage programs. They're the perfect size for massage therapist and their chair but can often hold 2-3 therapists at a time if needed. It's a good idea to choose a room that's somewhat quiet and out of the way, while still being centrally located so employees can find it easily.
The only time an office or meeting space isn't ideal is if it means moving someone out of their work area for the day, or when there are more therapists than will comfortably fit in the room. In our experience, most companies are able to find an unused room for massage day that doesn't interrupt business-as-usual.
Staff Break Room
We've often given our massage programs in a corner of the staff break room or kitchen. Keeping chair massages in an accessible space makes sure no one will forget their appointment time, either. And there's the added benefit of possibly enticing people who thought they weren't interested in getting a chair massage.
The downside to office massages in the break room or kitchen is that they can be noisy and not as relaxing for the person getting the massage.
Best Locations for Massage at Special Events
Event massage is a great service to provide to make your occasion more festive, or to get more traffic. Companies will often bring in a team of massage therapists during an annual health fair, for Employee Appreciation Day, or as part of a staff retreat.
For these kinds of events, usually more than one massage therapist provides multiple massages throughout the day, one after another. Massage sessions in these cases are generally not pre-scheduled, with clients arriving at any time. The sessions usually last from 5-20 minutes.
Related: How Long Should a Chair Massage Be?
Conference Room
Large conference rooms can fit several massage therapists and their chairs at once. This makes these spaces great for big events, like an open house or a health fair.
If the larger event is taking place in the same room as the massages, keep in mind that there will likely be a line start to form around the massage area. Arrange your other tables and booths in a way where this won't be a problem.
Related: How One Special Chair Can Boost Your Health Fair Attendance

Front Lawn or Parking Lot
At a large outdoor event, chair massages can be set up outside under a canopy or awning. In hot weather, it's important to have plenty of water available, especially when people are receiving massages, so no one gets dizzy.
Hallway or Utility Closet
Not kidding! If it fits a massage chair, chances are, we've worked in it. Any space with enough room for a massage therapist to comfortably move around the chair can work just fine.
At big events, it's ideal to have massage in an accessible but quiet area. When that's not possible, the next best option is any space where the massage chairs won't be in the way.
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