Incorporating Noise for Better Sleep

Aakanksha Sidhu
December 1, 2023
December 6, 2023

Achieving a good night's sleep can sometimes feel like an elusive dream. However, there's a solution that has been gaining popularity for its potential to lull us into a restful slumber – noise. 

Not just any noise- I am talking about white, pink, brown, and green noise. These subtle sounds, when used correctly, can create an environment conducive to sleep. But, what is the difference between these noises?  How can these noises transform your nightly rest? 

Understanding the Noise Spectrum:

1. White Noise:

You know how babies are put to sleep with a lullaby or soft music playing in the background? Studies show that listening to white noise helps newborn babies fall asleep faster. (Source: National Library of Medicine)

Probably the better-known one, white noise is like the constant hum you might hear from a fan or static on a TV channel that's not tuned in. It contains all frequencies at equal intensity, creating a consistent, unobtrusive sound that can drown out other disturbances. White noise can be particularly helpful in drowning out sudden sounds; something like an auditory layer helps the brain relax. 

2. Pink Noise:

Pink noise takes a step further in sound dynamics. Unlike white noise, it emphasizes lower frequencies, making it more natural and soothing. Think of the gentle rustle of leaves or rain falling – that's the essence of pink noise. This balanced sound is known to improve sleep quality, enhancing deep sleep phases and promoting overall relaxation.

3. Brown Noise:

Brown noise, often referred to as red noise, is deeper and richer in lower frequencies than both white and pink noise. It mimics the sound of a waterfall or heavy rainfall and is known for its calming effect. Brown noise has been suggested to help individuals enter a state of deep relaxation, making it an ideal choice for those seeking peace.

4. Green Noise: 

Any noise with a balanced distribution of frequencies, like the gentle rustling of leaves or rain falling on leaves with a consistent sound is green noise. Green noise could offer benefits to individuals experiencing racing thoughts and anxiety at night. The auditory elements within green noise may provide a focal point, diverting their attention away from unwanted thoughts.

How Does Noise Connect With Sleep Quality?

The beneficial effects are multifaceted, addressing both psychological and physiological aspects of sleep.

Research has shown that incorporating these’ noises’  into your sleep environment can deliver better sleep outcomes. The masking effect of these sounds helps lessen the impact of disruptive noises from the environment, offering auditory comfort. 

Additionally, the rhythmic and consistent nature of these noises can help regulate brain activity, making the transition from wakefulness to sleep a lot smoother.

Listed below are some goals that you might be striving to achieve with your sleep cycle and sleep quality. Each of those goals can be met with a specific Noise. 

Reducing Sleep Disruptions

  • White Noise, with its broad spectrum of frequencies, acts as a consistent auditory backdrop that effectively masks disruptive sounds. This masking effect is particularly helpful in urban environments where external noises like traffic or sirens might disturb your sleep cycle.
  • Pink noise, focusing on lower frequencies, creates a soothing atmosphere that minimizes sudden variations in sound, helping to maintain a steady environment perfect for sleep. (source)
  •  Brown noise, rich in low frequencies, can be particularly effective in drowning out irregular and jarring noises, promoting an uninterrupted sleep experience.

Enhancing Relaxation and Stress Reduction:

  • The rhythmic nature of these noises has been linked to the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting a relaxation response. This can be especially beneficial for individuals dealing with stress or anxiety, contributing to a calmer state of mind before bedtime.
  •  Green noise, with its balanced mid-frequency tones, adds another layer by providing a harmonious and pleasant background that aids in relaxation without being overly intrusive.

Improving Sleep Architecture:

  • Studies have indicated that exposure to these noises can lead to improvements in sleep architecture, including an increase in the duration of deep sleep stages. Pink noise, in particular, has been associated with enhanced slow-wave sleep, a crucial phase for physical restoration and memory consolidation.
  • The steady and predictable nature of these noises helps regulate brain activity, guiding the brain through the different sleep cycles with more stability.

Custom Sleep Environments:

  • One of the advantages of these noise types is their adaptability to individual preferences. Whether you find comfort in the constant hum of white noise, the gentle rhythm of pink noise, the deep resonance of brown noise, or the balanced tones of green noise, there is a personalized solution that aligns with your auditory preferences.

Incorporating these noises into your nightly routine may not only lead to falling asleep faster, but also offer a more restful and rejuvenating sleep experience. As the research in this field continues to expand, the potential for noise to positively impact sleep quality becomes increasingly apparent.

Aakanksha Sidhu
Aakanksha Sidhu
Aakanksha is a dedicated marketing professional with a deep-rooted passion for yoga, fitness, and overall wellbeing. With her marketing acumen and her passion for yoga combined, Aakanksha strives to create impactful campaigns that not only drive business success but also spread awareness about the importance of self-care and mindfulness.